
What to pack before embarking on a trip to UgandaHello world!

Well, I know the excitement that comes with knowing you are to take on a trip to a new destination especially the ‘the pearl of Africa’. A visit to Uganda has undoubtedly always been a once-in-a-lifetime experience that leaves behind a bucket of memories.  With your ticket at hand, all you wonder about is what to carry along on your trip.

Anyways, while thinking about what to pack for your Ugandan adventure, it really depends on the purpose of your visit. Is your travel a business trip? Are you heading out for a honey moon?     Are you heading on safari? Or maybe all you want to do is visit the highs and lows of the enormously nature rich East African country?

Regardless of all the intensions of your travel, it is advisable to pack light so as to avoid additional luggage fares that tend to be high at the airport. Here, the size and weight of your pack are crucial. Your packing priority list should generally be travel essentials such as a camera kit, lightweight binoculars, adaptor plugs and toiletries among others.

For safari tourists, one could opt to have his note book and laptop packed in a safe place so as to record experiences and adventures. For a successful safari experience, you are advised to pack khaki or thick clothing as you will participate in outdoor activities. You could also need to pack a warm, waterproof jacket or sweater, unless you’re going to stay indoors, as evenings mostly appear to be cold and windy in most parts of Uganda. A rain coat could be an alternative.

If your itinerary involves flights in a charter plane, you’ll need to pack extra light to comply with baggage restrictions limited to 10 to 20kgs (depending on the aircraft). Some lodges provide laundry services so that you can bring fewer clothes. You can, however, coordinate with your tour company to keep your excess luggage or have it delivered to your lodge.

Avoid white clothing as due to the red soil and mud you will encounter, they will never be white again! Pick neutral colors for optimum camouflage in the bush. Get loose-fitting and lightweight clothes that keep you cool and dry quickly if you get caught in the rain. Carry long sleeves and trousers to prevent mosquito or insect bites during trekking and keep dust off when navigating the roads. The nights can be chilly and cold; thus, having some warm clothes at night is welcome.

Items we highly you shouldn’t forget while packing for a trip to Uganda include the following; Long range camera to capture a life time range of unique visions, Binoculars to help you view birds and wildlife in further distances in a seemingly unique way, Hiking shoes comfortable enough to keep you going through any terrain, Sandals to help your feet feel free and relaxed while you enjoy your lodging and accommodation.

Also, pack on you a water proof Raincoat/ Poncho to protect you from un predictable weather changes, Long Socks and the nights tend to be cold and evening treks seem to come along with biting mosquitoes, A Hat or Cap and Sunscreen to protect you from the scorching sun rays especially in the early afternoons, Insect Repellant, Swimsuit, Personal Toiletries, Backpack, Money bag or belt and Electronic devices for constant and timely communications or even to update your social media.

You could find these too important to pack;

A Flashlight/torch especially if you intend to go camping, Ziploc bags to separate dirty laundry from your clean clothes, Bathing soap you seem to be used to in order to avoid any skin reactions, Spare glasses, Spare memory cards, Spare camera battery (consider solar charger), AA batteries, Electrical adaptors, Converter plugs to fit local sockets and spare shoes.

But wait, there is something as important as the trip. Before leaving, do you have your valid passport? Have you received and printed your eVisa to Uganda? Do you have comprehensive travel insurance? In short, have you safely packed and cross checked all the necessary documents to facilitate your trip. You wouldn’t ever wish to forget these.

More so, important to note is that if you have some medication or prescriptions, you’d want to pack those as well in full dosage. This is so help full in that most of the attractions are situated in remote areas where hospitals are scarce and highly inadequate. It would also help in case the exact drug isn’t available in Uganda.

You are advised to report any serious sickness or underlying condition that may hinder your activities or need urgent attention to your tour operator prior of taking on any adventure.

Well then, you’re all set to enjoy your mystic trip to Uganda, the Pearl of Africa. Feel free to add any other item to your packing list. We just guided you through.

Karibu – Welcome